Imagine all your correspondence, pricing, negotiations, delivery dates - embedded in the document in context at the section it relates to - that’s iSpec!
iSpec automatically embeds all vendor submissions, clarifications, correspondence, negotiations, technical data, etc into your tender documents at the section they relate to, ensuring the entire process is fully transparent, information is easy to find, and any arising disputes are easily resolved. Perfect for e-Discovery. Export what you require from this data-embedded document to Word/PDF and sign it - digitally or otherwise. Watch the video.
Tired of the effort involved in managing complex projects and need something more intuitive and automated?
There's more
iSpec is an enterprise strength Source to Contract Management Solution. It is cloud-based and allows all stakeholders access to current information from anywhere. You can be up and running within a week or two - without the lengthy implementation times of legacy systems. Manage your project seamlessly from concept to final handover.
No more searching for that specific email or attachment -
iSpec knows what you are looking for
Automated tender evaluations for super fast decisions
No more comparing Word and Excel files from suppliers - drill down to the detail instantly
Your dashboard gives you an instant view of your procurement status, outstanding tasks, and spend analysis in an easy to use graphic layout. Manage your contracts effortlessly.
No more routing Word documents. Collaborate with all stakeholders and edit your documents together online. No more waiting for someone to send you that document. Approve as you go. Speed up the entire process
Never again forget to reply to an email (or lose one), get daily to-do lists on all your outstanding tasks, emails, evaluations, approvals, etc. No more keeping to-do lists or Excel spreadsheets to remind yourself what to do.
If you are procuring complex earthmoving equipment, building an automated warehouse, or installing a new IT network, iSpec is the solution.
Civil construction
Outsourcing the construction of a new building, road, port, etc. Let iSpec manage your entire project from concept to inspection, commissioning and final handover. Capital Expenditure sourcing at its best.
iSpec can also be used for e-bidding and reverse auction tendering. But it differentiates itself from everyone else when it comes to procuring and managing complex outsourced projects of any type.
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